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State of Minnesota Prisons and Jails

This is a Police Department Jail located in Ada, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Ada MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

410 West Main Street Ada , MN 56510


This is a Police Department Jail located in Adrian, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Adrian MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

310 Maine Avenue PO Box 190 Adrian , MN 56110


This is a County Jail located in Aitkin, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Aitkin County Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

217 Second Street Northwest Aitkin , MN 56431


This is a Police Department Jail located in Aitkin, Minnesota which resides in Aitkin County,and is classified as a mininum security facility. Aitkin MN Police Jail is under the direction of Police Chief Tim Catlin and has a capacity of inmates.

109 1st Avenue NW
Aitkin, MN 56431

This is a Police Department Jail located in Albany, Minnesota which resides in Stearns County. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Albany MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

400 Railroad Avenue PO Box 337 Albany , MN 56307


This is a Police Department Jail located in Alexandria, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Alexandria MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

216 Seventh Avenue West Alexandria , MN 56308


This is a Police Department Jail located in Annandale, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Annandale MN Police Detention you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

30 Cedar Street Annandale, MN 55302


This is a County Jail located in Anoka, Minnesota which resides in Anoka County,and is classified as a minimum - medium security facility. Anoka County Jail is under the direction of Commander Dave Pacholl and has a capacity of 238 inmates.

325 East Jackson Street
Anoka, MN 55303

This is a County Jail located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Anoka County Jail -Lino Lakes you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

7545 4th Avenue Lino Lakes , MN 55014


This is a County Jail located in Circle Pines, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Anoka County MI Sanford and Walker Cottages you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

7555 Fourth Avenue Lino Lakes , MN 55014

651-783-3989 651-783-7546

This is a County Jail located in Anoka, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Anoka County MI Workhouse you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

3300 4th Avenue Anoka , MN 55303


This is a Police Department Jail located in Anoka, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Anoka MI Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

275 Harrison Street Anoka, MN 55303


This is a Police Department Jail located in Apple Valley, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Apple Valley MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

7100 147th Street West Apple Valley , MN 55124


This is a Police Department Jail located in Appleton, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Appleton MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

323 West Schlieman Appleton , MN 56208


This is a Police Department Jail located in Arlington, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Arlington MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

322 West Main Street PO Box 928 Arlington, MN 55307


This is a Police Department Jail located in Ashby, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Ashby MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

203 West Main Street Ashby, MN 56309


This is a Police Department Jail located in Austin, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Austin MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

500 4th Avenue NE Austin , MN 55912


This is a Police Department Jail located in Stearns County, Minnesota which resides in United States. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Avon MN Town Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

PO Box 195 Avon, MN 56310


This is a Police Department Jail located in Babbitt, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Babbitt MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

71 South Drive Babbitt , MN 55706


This is a Police Department Jail located in Bagley, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Bagley MN Police Detention you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

21 Getchell Avenue SE PO Box 759 Bagley , MN 56621


This is a Police Department Jail located in Barnesville, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Barnesville MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

102 Front Street North Barnesville , MN 56514


This is a Police Department Jail located in Battle Lake, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Battle Lake MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

108 East Main Street Battle Lake , MN 56515


This is a Police Department Jail located in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota which resides in United States. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Baudette MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

219 8th Avenue SE Baudette, MN 56623


This is a Police Department Jail located in Baxter, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Baxter MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

13190 Memorywood Drive Baxter , MN 56425


This is a Police Department Jail located in Bayport, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Bayport MN Police Lockup you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

294 North Third Street Bayport , MN 55003


This is a County Jail located in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Becker County Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

925 Lake Street Detroit Lakes , MN 56501

218-847-2661 218-847-2939

This is a Police Department Jail located in Belle Plaine, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Belle Plaine MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

420 East Main Street PO Box 129 Belle Plaine , MN 56011


This is a County Jail located in Bemidji, Minnesota which resides in Beltrami County,and is classified as a minimum security facility. Beltrami County Jail is under the direction of Jail Administrator Melissa Bohlmann and has a capacity of 140 inmates.

626 Minnesota Avenue Northwest
Bemidji, MN 56601

This is a County Jail located in Bemidji, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Beltrami County Juvenile Center you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

1231 5th Street Bemidji, MN 56601


This is a Police Department Jail located in Bemidji, Minnesota which resides in Minnesota. If you believe a family member or friend is incarcerated at Bemidji MN Police Jail you have the ability to conduct an inmate search, schedule a visitation, call an inmate, send money/items to a prisoner and more.

613 Minnesota Avenue NW Bemidji , MN 56601
