Alvarado TX Police Jail is located in the city of Alvarado, Texas which has a population of 3,785 (as of 2016) residents. Prisoners are housed in separate areas depending on the crimes they committed, their current risk assessment, and their behavior. This facility is currently under the supervision of Chief of Police Brad Anderson MCJ and houses male and female offenders.
If you have a family or loved one that is currently incarcerated at Alvarado TX Police Jail, the first thing you should do is contact the prison for information on the inmate. Based on the information you are provided, you would then contact either a criminal defense lawyer or a bail bond service. They will provide you with vital information which can be used to defend an individual and in a lot of cases get them released from detention while awaiting trial.
Alvarado TX Police Jail
600 S Parkway,
Alvarado, TX 76009, United States
(please get a list of acceptable mail from the facility)
Alvarado TX Police Jail
Inmate Name, Inmate ID #
600 S Parkway,
Alvarado, TX 76009, United States
Alvarado Texas Police Department - Facebook
Jan 30, 2017 - MAYPEARL — An early morning police pursue finished with a suspect being traveled to the doctor's facility subsequent to managing a discharge twisted on Monday. The pursuit began at around 3:50 a.m. in Alvarado and experienced parts of Johnson and Tarrant Counties before closure in Ellis County.
"An officer from the Alvarado Police Department watched a white 2004 Chevy pickup driving gradually around shut organizations and surrounding two lodging parking areas," Alvarado Police Chief Brad Anderson said. "As the officer moved toward the parking area, the driver, Crowley Resident Tommy Berry, 26, saw the squad car and quickly fled northbound on Interstate Highway 35W in overabundance of 100 miles for each hour."
Anderson said police sought after Berry for more than 70 miles experiencing parts of Burleson, Mansfield, Grand Prairie, Midlothian, and Waxahachie. The pursuit finished in a subdivision only upper east of Maypearl. Different circumstances, officers from different offices endeavored, unsuccessfully, to convey stop sticks.
"Only outside of Maypearl, the presume transformed into a circular drive and after that hovered towards the back of a home, driving through their yard. One APD unit remained behind the speculate [Berry] while the other ceased in the garage of the living arrangement," Anderson said. "The speculate's vehicle circumnavigated the home and rose up out of the inverse side of the home, only in front of the officer's auto in the garage. The speculate instantly quickened towards the watch auto, smashing it head on. The officer terminated three rounds at the speculate's vehicle, striking the driver's zone of the vehicle."
Anderson said the speculate then kept on escaping at which time officers could turn the presume's vehicle, conveying it to a stop against a metal pipe fence. Berry's vehicle halted quickly and afterward the speculate put his vehicle in switch and started attempting to quicken at rapid in reverse. Another APD unit hauled in behind the speculate utilizing his vehicle to obstruct the escape.
"The speculate kept on quickening backward until officers could rupture the traveler side entryway. They then watched a traveler likewise in the vehicle. Both inhabitants were at first arrested yet the traveler, a 27-year-old female, was met and discharged," Anderson said. "The driver was traveled to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth for a shot injury to his lower body. He is recorded in obscure condition as of now and is in police authority. He is confronting various charges including bothered strike on an open hireling and avoiding capture. The traveler has not been charged."
Anderson said because of the episode turning into an officer-included shooting that the Texas Rangers were asked for to aid the examination.
Warden or Supervisor: Chief of Police Brad Anderson MCJ Security Level(s): minimum
600 S Parkway,
Alvarado, TX 76009, United States
Phone Number(s):
600 S Parkway,
Alvarado, TX 76009, United States
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