Lynnwood WA Police Jail is located in the city of Lynnwood, Washington which has a population of 36,485 (as of 2013) residents. Prisoners are housed in separate areas depending on the crimes they committed, their current risk assessment, and their behavior. This facility is currently under the supervision of Chief of Police Tom Davis and houses offenders.
If you have a family or loved one that is currently incarcerated at Lynnwood WA Police Jail, the first thing you should do is contact the prison for information on the inmate. Based on the information you are provided, you would then contact either a criminal defense lawyer or a bail bond service. They will provide you with vital information which can be used to defend an individual and in a lot of cases get them released from detention while awaiting trial.
Lynwood Police Department Twitter Account
AUGUST 19, 2016- The Lynnwood Police Department said Friday it is investigating an attempted molestation of a 13-year-old boy near a basketball court at Beverly Elementary School. Police said the boy was playing basketball with his friends at the school at 5521 168th Street SW from about 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday. The boy said he observed a man in his 20s watching them play basketball. When the boy was separated from his friends, the man walked over to him, talked to him, grabbed him by the hand and tried to kiss him, the boy told police.
Warden or Supervisor: Chief of Police Tom Davis Security Level(s): Minimum
P.O. Box 5008
Lynnwood, WA
Phone Number(s):
19321 44th Avenue West
Lynnwood, WA 98036
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