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Everett Police Department
Snohomish County - Police Department Jail - Washington
Everett WA Police Jail

Everett WA Police Jail is located in the city of Everett, Washington which has a population of 105,370 (as of 2013) residents. Prisoners are housed in separate areas depending on the crimes they committed, their current risk assessment, and their behavior. This facility is currently under the supervision of Chief of Police Dan Templeman and houses offenders.

If you have a family or loved one that is currently incarcerated at Everett WA Police Jail, the first thing you should do is contact the prison for information on the inmate. Based on the information you are provided, you would then contact either a criminal defense lawyer or a bail bond service. They will provide you with vital information which can be used to defend an individual and in a lot of cases get them released from detention while awaiting trial.

Everett WA Police Jail Facility and Inmate Contact Information:

Phone Number to Reach this Facility is:

425) 257-8400

Fax Number for Everett WA Police Jail is:

425) 257-6500

Email Address for this Facility:

[email protected]

Everett Police Department Facebook Page

Everett Police Department Twitter Account

Recent News for Everett Police Department:

August 20, 2016 - The Major Crimes Unit of the Everett Police Department is investigating three abduction attempts that occurred just days apart in south Everett.
Police say that mid-morning on July 19, a man tried to force a woman into his car near the intersection of 75th Street SE and Evergreen Way. A second abduction attempt, by a similarly described suspect, occurred later that day near 92nd St SE and 7th Ave SE. 



Warden or Supervisor: Chief of Police Dan Templeman Security Level(s): Minimum

Phone Number(s): 425) 257-8400
Fax Number: 425) 257-6500
Email Address: [email protected]

3002 Wetmore Avenue
Everett, WA 98201

Criminal & Traffic Records Search

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Criminal & Traffic Records Search

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