Breathitt County Jail is located in the city of Jackson, Kentucky which has a population of 2,170 (as of 2013) residents. Prisoners are housed in separate areas depending on the crimes they committed, their current risk assessment, and their behavior. This facility is currently under the supervision of James Elliott Turner and houses offenders.
If you have a family or loved one that is currently incarcerated at Breathitt County Jail, the first thing you should do is contact the prison for information on the inmate. Based on the information you are provided, you would then contact either a criminal defense lawyer or a bail bond service. They will provide you with vital information which can be used to defend an individual and in a lot of cases get them released from detention while awaiting trial.
Breathitt County Jail
1137 Main Street
Jackson, KY 41339
(please get a list of acceptable mail from the facility)
Breathitt County Jail
Inmate Name, Inmate ID #
1137 Main Street
Jackson, KY 41339
Warden or Supervisor: James Elliott Turner
1137 Main Street
Jackson, KY 41339
Phone Number(s):
Fax Number:
Email Address:
1137 Main Street
Jackson, KY 41339
Other Prisons in Kentucky:
United States Penitentiary Big Sandy | United States Penitentiary McCreary | Western Kentucky Correctional Complex | Ross-Cash Center | Roederer Correctional Complex | Northpoint Training Center | Luther Luckett Correctional Complex | Bell County Forestry Camp | Blackburn Correctional Complex | Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex