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The Boone County Jail in Burlington, Kentucky, is the local jail facility for Boone County, Kentucky. While many states put their local jails under the auspices of local sheriff’s departments or other municipal law enforcement agencies, in Kentucky, local jails are run by the jailers for those counties. The position of jailer is an elected position and the jailer’s job is specifically focused on operating the local jail facility.
The jailer for Boone County is Jason Maydak. He was elected on January 7, 2019. Maydak began working at the jail as a correctional officer in 1997, and became a Sergeant in 1999, and then a Lieutenant in 2004, then Captain in 2015. He has a BS in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati. The second-in-command at the Boone County Jail is Captain Rachael Montgomery. Montgomery has a BS in Police Administration from Eastern Kentucky University. She began working in the jail in 1997.
The goal of the Boone County Jail and Work Camp is to ensure that the community is protected from those people who have been determined to pose a threat to public safety. The Boone County Jailer is tasked with providing those inmates with a secure, sanitary, and safe place of incarceration. While the jail is supposed to be a place of punishment, they also strive to provide an opportunity for rehabilitation, so that inmates can return to society in a better condition, both physically and emotionally, than when they were incarcerated. While the jail can provide opportunities for rehabilitation, only the inmates can make the decision whether or not to avail themselves of those opportunities. The goal is for the jail to be economically self-sufficient and to provide inmate labor for the county.
In fact, the Boone County Jail Food Service Program is unlike the food service programs at any jail in the state of Kentucky. Sgt. Immegart supervises inmates and operates two different locations. The Boone County Jail produces over 525,000 meals each year. These meals are cooked from scratch. Not only does this reduce costs, but it also helps inmates learn trade skills that they can use when released. Inmates get to practice their cooking skills at the local county fair.
In addition, inmates at the Boone County Jail are responsible for growing a garden. The fresh vegetables grown in this garden are used at the main jail and the workcamp.
Boone County Jail
3020 Conrad Lane
Burlington, KY 41005
The mailing address for non-inmate mail is simply the jail’s address:
Boone County Jail
3020 Conrad Lane
Burlington, KY 41005
The mailing addresses for inmates is different from the jail’s physical address:
Inmate Name
Boone County Jail
P.O. Box 898
Burlington, KY 41005
(You do not have to include an inmate number in the inmate’s mailing address).
The Boone County Jail has fairly simple inmate mail rules. Those rules are as follows:
All printed materials must be mailed to an inmate through a subscription; any material must be paperback; do not send boxes; inmates cannot get mail from inmates at other facilities; inmates cannot receive Polaroid pictures; inmates can get two photos at a time and photos must be 3x5 or smaller in size.
While Boone County Jail does not specifically prohibit sending contraband to the jail, it is a given that inmates are not permitted to receive contraband. In addition, all jail mail is subject to being opened and inspected before the inmate receives it. The following items are generally considered contraband in a jail facility: over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, drinks, weapons, things that can be used to make weapons, violent material, sexually explicit or pornographic materials, nudity, information about crimes or that could be used to plan a crime, gang-related material, racist or bigoted materials, materials likely to start any type of problem in the jail facility, and materials that could be used to plan a jail break.
The main phone number for the Boone County Jail is 859-334-2143. The fax number is 859-334-3613.
The Boone County Jail maintains a complete inmate roster. This roster displays the names of all of the inmates currently incarcerated in the Boone County Jail. It also has search functions, which allow you to enter specific parameters to help locate inmates in the facility. These search parameters include: inmate last name, inmate first name, booking date, and scheduled release date. You can search by booking or release dates in ascending or descending order. Once you have your search results, you are given an overview of the inmate. The overview includes the inmate’s last name, inmate’s first name, inmate’s middle name (if available), booking date, and scheduled release date (if available). There is also a button to the left of each inmate’s name, which says display detail. If you hit the display detail button, then you pull up a more detailed inmate record. The information provided includes the booking number, the inmate’s full name, the date of the arrest, the booking date, the arresting agency, the inmate’s age at arrest, the inmate’s current age, the inmate’s sex, the inmate’s height, the inmate’s hair color, the inmate’s date of birth, the inmate’s race, the inmate’s weight, and the inmate’s eye color. In addition, the inmate roster contains mugshots of the inmates.
While the Boone County Jail does not maintain an online roster dedicated to recent arrests or bookings, the Boone County inmate roster does contain a feature that allows you to search for inmates by their booking dates. You can choose to do this in descending order, which would provide you with a list of inmates who were recently booked into the facility.
The Boone County Jail is also part of the VINE update system. VINE is a system that scans booking computers for information about inmates. The VINE system allows you to set up automated notifications if an inmate is released. You can contact VINE at 800-511-1670 to set up notifications of an inmate’s release.
While the Boone County Jail does not operate a dedicated mugshot/ booking photo database, it does provide mugshots for its inmates, which you can view by finding the inmate on the Boone County inmate roster.
For most inmates at the Boone County Jail, visitation is done by video. This applies to both on-site visits and remote visits. To visit an inmate from the on-site location, you must schedule the visit in advance. You can do so by visiting the public lobby between 7:00am and 12:00pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and scheduling a visit.
You can schedule visits during one of the visitation days. Visitation days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Visiting hours are from 7:00am to 12:00pm. Visitors are permitted a 20-minute visit. Saturday is visitation for all prisoners. Tuesday is visitation for inmates with last names beginning with A through M. Thursday is for inmates with last names beginning N through Z. Saturday visits are limited to 15 minutes.
Inmates can have children visit, but children must be accompanied by adults. Only one adult visitor is allowed to visit at a time, and the adult can have a total of two minor children. The absolute cap on visitors is three individuals. Visitors must be able to produce a valid state-issued ID, passport, or consular idea.
All visitors are subject to search; visitors who refuse to be searched will be considered to be violating visitation rules and will be denied the opportunity to visit.
In addition to on-site visits, visitors can engage in video visitation. While video visitation requires that visitors purchase visiting time, it is often a more economical and more feasible alternative to on-site visitation, once one factors in the costs of transportation and/or missed work. To arrange a visit, you must first set up an account with the video visitation provider, iWeb Visit. To do this, go to their website at Once there, you will be instructed to create an account; you will need to log into this account every time you have a remote visit. Once you have created your account, you need to select your visiting facility, the person you want to visit, and the date and time of your desired visit. After you have scheduled your visit, you will receive an email with instructions about how to conduct your visit. You can use several different types of devices to conduct remote visits: computers (both Windows and Mac), laptops, and Android smartphones and tablets. At this time, Apple smartphones and tablets are not supported. If you have any questions about remote video visitation, contact iWeb Visit at 775-434-8748.
Visitation at the work camp facility is not the same as general visitation for the jail. Visitation for the work camp facility is on Tuesdays. A Barracks Visitation Hours are from 5:30pm to 6:10 pm. B Barracks Visitation Hours are from 6:20pm to 7:00pm. C Barracks Visitation is from 7:10pm to 7:50pm. There is also Saturday visitation. A Barracks Visitation Hours are from 1:00pm to 1:40pm. B Barracks Visitation Hours are from 1:50pm to 2:30pm. C Barracks Visitation Hours are from 2:40pm to 3:20pm.
Inmates at the Boone County Jail cannot receive incoming phone calls. Inmates may be able to place outgoing collect calls. The collect calls will have a notification that the call is from a jail. If you accept the call, then you will be responsible for the charges. Jail phone calls are monitored and may be recorded.
Boone County Jail uses Access Corrections to manage its inmate trust accounts and to run its commissary services. You can deposit money into an inmate’s trust account in several different ways: you can deposit money into the lobby Kiosk money machine, on phone using a credit card by calling 866-345-1884, or by going online to
Commissary, which is also known as canteen, is a way that jails use to allow inmates to purchase items that are not provided by the jail. Money is deposited into an inmate’s inmate trust account, and this money can then be used to purchase items known as commissary or canteen. What an inmate can purchase depends on what is available in the canteen at that time. Purchases are ordered ahead of time and then delivered to the inmates on a regular schedule. Inmates may be limited to the amount of canteen or commissary purchases that they can make each week. Some example of canteen or commissary items include: food, snacks, drinks, health and beauty items, clothing, writing materials, and recreational materials.
Bail in Kentucky works differently than bail or bond in many other jurisdictions. That is because Kentucky was actually the first of the four states in the U.S. that have banned the commercial bail bond system. While other states allow bonds for profit, Kentucky believed that these type of bonds punished the poor. In fact, Kentucky Statute § 431.510 abolished bail bonding for profit. Neither bail bond agents nor bounty hunters can operate in Kentucky. In fact, even if a licensed bounty hunter is tracking a fugitive from another state, the county hunter cannot arrest them in Kentucky.
Instead of a for profit bond system, Kentucky has the Pretrial Services Agency, which is a division of the Administrative Office of the Courts. The Pretrial Services Agency follows the dictates of the US Constitution, and starts with the assumption that all people accused of a crime are innocent until proven guilty. As a result, their goal is to try to keep pre-trial defendants out of jail, unless they pose a risk to public safety or they appear to be a flight risk.
In order to assess defendants, a pretrial officer interviews a defendant within 12 hours of arrest. The offers serve statewide positions and are responsible for all 120 counties in Kentucky. They are available for service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to their personal interviews, they are responsible for running criminal background checks on the defendants and making a generalized risk assessment. They turn in their reports to the court, and then the judge chooses from one of several options: releasing the defendant on his or her own recognizance (without requiring bail); setting a suitable bail amount; and keeping the accused in custody.
When bail is set, the defendant may be released it he pays the court 10 percent of the bail in cash or with a property amount. This amount is returned to the defendant as long as the defendant appears in court as scheduled. The pretrial service officers are also responsible for verifying that the defendant appears in court and complies with any conditions that the judge places on release.
The Boone County Jail is the local jail facility for Boone County, Kentucky. It primarily houses people who have been determined not to be eligible for bail prior to trial, who have had their trials but are awaiting sentencing, have been sentenced to serve their sentences in the jail, or who are being transported to or from other facilities. It houses male and female inmates.
The Boone County Jail places an emphasis on rehabilitation. The rehabilitation program is focused on helping those non-violent inmates in minimum security who may be amenable to rehabilitation. The goal is to teach them a work ethic that can make them successful outside of a correctional facility. One of the ways that they do this is by requiring inmates to take part in community service programs, where they can repay the community for their crimes. The program is beneficial to Boone County, because it results in the county receiving thousands of dollars in unpaid labor. Some of the services that the Boone County inmates provide include: mowing grass at county properties and municipal counties, trash removal along the county roadways, and miscellaneous other projects.
In addition, inmates have the ability to take part in some jail programming, which is geared towards helping them meet their rehabilitation goals. These inmate service programs include alcohol abuse treatment through AA meetings, mental health services, education including GED classes, chaplainry services, and exodus counseling. While this programming is not mandatory, inmates at Boone County Jail who are interested in self-improvement can take part in these programs.
Year Built or Opened: 1991 Warden or Supervisor: Jailer Jason Maydak Daily Inmate Count: 593 Total Capacity: 424 Security Level(s): minimum - maximum
Inmate Name
Boone County Jail
PO Box 898
Burlington, KY 41005
Phone Number(s):
Fax Number:
Email Address:
[email protected]
3020 Conrad Lane
Burlington, KY 41005
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